Thursday 25 January 2018

Animation Evaluation

Step One:

All the people that filled out my survey were between the ages of 15-19 which was the age for my intended target audience, 80% of the people were male and 90% were students. out of all the people most said that they like animation as a whole and all the people said that they enjoyed my animation. For the improvements that could've been made, most people said "n/a" and a few made comments of the claymation which is something to think more about if I make another claymation. For what people would've done differently, most people replied "n/a", one person said "use a tripod" which I did so that isn't a valid comment, and another one said sort out the set walls which is fair enough as I didn't have enough time to do so. If I did I would've addressed this. For the genre most people said they thought it was a comedy, which was the genre I was aiming for, which is shown when the ball bounces off of the bowling pins. All of the feedback that I got for my animation was taken from a survey.

Step Two:

For my animation, I am doing a written report and it can be structured a lot better and in some ways is seen as more professional. To widen the audience of people that saw my animation, I could've shared it to Facebook, and sent it to people and asked them what they thought of the animation afterwards. With the Facebook post, I could've linked the survey so I could've got more responses. All my feedback that i got was from my survey that is linked at the top of the page, and also there is a Flipsnack of the results I received. 

Throughout my Esting, I didn't face any issues, we had guidelines to follow and we weren't allowed to use copyrighted things, which is set up by the law but that didn't affect my animation as we had all the soundtracks provided for us. For the sound affects, I used a website called For my animation.

Step Three:

When making my animation, the only constraints that we really faced were copyright which I mentioned in step two and what I did to get around this, being that I used for sound affects and all the soundtracks were provided for us. This was another constraint as we had to use one, however there was multiple ones so we had quite a few to choose from. Also if we wanted to film in certain locations, we had to get a location recce giving us permission to use the area. 

I managed my time quite well, I finished the filming in the time that I wanted to and the whole piece was finished before the deadline. The bit that took the longest was making the clay figures, mainly the bowling pins because of the smaller details. One thing that did take longer than I expected was the pre-production, however I think this is because I was ill for a day, however the whole piece was done before the deadline. Overall I think that I managed myself quite well, however I didn't really feel the need to have a sheet planned out with what days I was going to shoot and edit because it puts more pressure and makes it a lot more rushed. Because of this I mostly ignored the sheet and did it in my own time and not planned out lesson by lesson and it came out exactly how I wanted it to. 

For the requirements for the brief, I did meet them as I had to make it a ten second animation, which I did, and used no copyrighted pieces. My animation met the guidance set-up of E4 because of it being ten seconds, using the E4 soundtracks, has no copyright, includes the E4 logo and is an type of animation. My type of animation that I used is stop motion. 

I obtained my feedback from the other students in my class and also one of my tutors. We filled out feedback on sheets and our teacher scanned them and emailed them around our class. We then also created surveys, which is linked at the top of my page, and then sent them round our class for people to answer, and then took this feedback and made it into a flipsnack which is at the top of the page. 

I feel that I have learnt more about animation and more about editing, but also more about how to use a camera. My skills for all of these have developed well as we had to do the project by ourselves. I didn't find working to the brief hard as it was quite open in some ways as we were able to create any sort of animation we wanted as long as it was 10 seconds long, and also that it included the E4 logo. I don't think the brief meant that I couldn't be more creative as I feel that it was quite open, as I mentioned and gave us a numerous amount of options. 

If I wanted to go into the media industry, I think that I would be a suitable candidate as I can follow a brief well and get the work done on time. This is a valuable skill I can take into the workplace, and if I do decide to go into the media industry, I believe that I will be able to as I can follow a brief well and get it done how it wants i, and also get it done for the deadline which has been set. 

For me, I don't feel that I would go into animation and don't see it as viable career for me personally. I really like certain types of animation, being computerized animation, however, I don't feel that I would want to take it further.

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