Monday 15 January 2018

History of Music Vidoes

Through the years, music videos have developed hugely, to how the are shot, what is used, being the cameras and props and sets and how the animation has changed so much from the first major music video in 1975 by Queen. Because of the limited technology, it was decent for it's time, but by today's standard is quite boring. The videos started to use animation a lot more and special effects because the technology improved a lot more and there was more money in music videos as people wanted to see more of them. MTV was created and artist started to release music videos on VHS. As the type of music went from rock and more towards rap and pop music, the colours used in the videos started to get a lot brighter, this was shown in both lady Gaga's video and Missy Elliot's. In Lady Gaga's video, she showed more skin than most videos used to show. This started to create new boundaries for music and what goes onto music videos nowadays and how it is seen as a normal thing to be shown. One song that did do something similar to a more modern day type of video was in Laura Branigans's video in 1984 for "Self Control", which was quite a sexualized video which changed how music videos were seen. The 80s was also quite a sexual era so it fitted in with the time, however is disturbing in some ways because it feels a bit creepy. In 1986, a song called Sledgehammer was made and the music video of it crossed animation with real life and the outcome was brilliant, it was really good for the time it was made, but by nowadays standards, it is still seen as good because of the story line it follows, and how it is so fluent. In 1995, Michael Jackson created the most expensive music video for "Scream" with his sister Janet Jackson, and in 1996 Smashing Pumpkins brought out a song, with the music video based on a film made decades before called "A Trip To the Moon". In 1999, M2 was created and this was because music videos were being replaced with other content on MTV. In 2000 this was then changed to MTV2. In 2005, YouTube was launched, and artists started to use this so that they could gain popularity, and smaller artists continued to grow through the internet. In 2007, Sony launched a website called MusicBox, and this was the first music streaming site of it's kind, this meaning to be launched by a major label. In 2008, Missy Elliot brought out the first 3D music video, an this lead to 2010 where Lady Gaga's poker face has 375 million views. This growth in music videos meant that artists started to grow a lot more and YouTube became a platform for music videos. The growth of music videos meant that companies wanted to collaborate. With this Doritos made a music video with Professor Green. This was to promote Doritos "late night" campaign. Now YouTube is used as the main platform for music videos and over 300 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. 

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