Friday 27 January 2017

TV Advert Evaluation

V05 Advert Evaluation:

The brief was to make a 30-90 second advert, re-branding a Unilever product to a different target audience to the original. Our chosen project was a V05 advert. We had to each do a prezi, and then once we were put into groups, we then had to show our prezi to our group and ten vote as to which product we wanted to do, and what advert we liked best. The current target is around 14-24 year olds, both male and female. We re-branded the product to 40-60 year olds, mostly a male audience. We chose to re-brand to this age group because the idea was to make it seem like using V05 can bring you back your youth, and make you feel younger again.

The finished product & feedback:

We collected feedback by creating a survey on Survey Monkey and sending it to everyone in our class, via email. Our advert was viewed by 15-25 year olds, who mostly had used the product and found our advert interesting. Most of our class liked: the idea, graphics, transitions, shot ranges, music, voice over, shots types, but mostly like the ending. The improvements we were given were to make the voice over a bit louder, shorten one of the clips, look at colour grading and also look at flattery, and try to get more of it I believe the was appropriate to the target audience, as it gave the idea of, if you use V05, you will feel and look younger. I also believe that it would have an appropriate affect on them, as they might feel that taking care in how they look, simply by using V05, would make them feel younger. The mise-en-scene was in a toilet/bathroom, so we didn't move anything or add any props into the scenery. We had one prop which was the V05, which was shown in the advert. When filming we only used 6-7 shots. These were mostly shots where the camera was on a tripod and wouldn't move. The shots varied from: Close ups, Medium shots, Long shots and birds eye view(s). For the editing, we each took it in turns, this allowed everyone to evenly share the load. After finishing recording we didn't want the audio from the actual clips. Therefore we got rid of them, and went onto free sound, and got the music and sound effects off that. I put in the sound effects, and helped with editing and putting the sound into the advert. We finished our advert a lot earlier than was expected, so we had a lot of time on our hands. Because of this, we were told to make a shorter version of our ad, around the 10 seconds long. 2 of our 4 man group were helping other groups out with filming. Me and the other person made the ad shorter, however the other person had to help another group out, which left me to do the majority, however, somebody in our class helped me out with a few things, along with the teacher. 

One of our teachers is within the target audience of 40-60. They found the advert interesting, however found the end of the advert slightly offensive as he pointed out that people don't really like being called old. However liked the story line and the editing, and could see why it would appeal to people of the age range. I believe that the product would effectively sell as it gives the idea of using V05 can make you look and feel younger, comforting the fact of the advert saying "break the old".Our main persuasion technique was by making you feel that using V05 can make you look younger and bring you back to your youth. This idea would persuade somebody of this age range to take a bit more care in how they look, and make them look a few years younger. As I've mentioned, the message we were trying to get across was that using V05 will make you feel younger, and look younger. Just taking a bit of care in your appearance could make you feel and look younger. The technique we used for this was having our teacher, who is within the target audience, and get them to use the product, and then transition to me. The idea of putting V05 in your hair, can take you back to the days when you were a teenager and adds that fact of nostalgia. I believe our advert looks professional, however there is a few shots out of focus, and that go on for too long, but these could be easily fixed. It also followed the guidelines of the BCAP code, however the ending can be interpreted as offensive, but is in no way intended to be. It was a spin off of the original slogan "break the mold" and fitted with what we wanted to do.

Personal Reflection:
In the pre-production part. We had an original idea, but changed it a bit to incorporate everyone's idea into my original idea. The idea we came up with turned out how we wanted it to, and was as good as i wanted it to be. However, critically, I would've liked to re-do some of the clips as I felt they were a bit too long or slightly out of focus. Our idea matched what our storyboard shew, and only the scenery was changed after making the storyboard, as we found a better toilet/bathroom to record in. The feedback we got from the class was mixed between good and bad points, (as I've mentioned earlier in this piece) however, we received more good points than bad, which was good to hear (again as I mentioned earlier in this piece.  Personally, I am very happy with the final advert. I am happy as it exceeded my expectations, and the idea we came up with together was developed a lot in the pre-production stage, and came out really well. However, if I were to re-do the advert, these are the things that I would change:

  • Firstly, I would make the advert a bit longer and add in a bit more to it e.g. maybe after I walk out of the toilet, there could people saying something like "what have you done?" and then having someone follow up by saying, "you've done your hair, its taken years off of you". I personally feel the advert goes by a bit too quick, however I do still think the advert was done really well. 
  • Secondly, I would re-film some of the shots that were out of focus, to give it a more professional look.
  • Thirdly, I would look at the colour grading in the editing section, so that every scene had the same colour and didn't look off. Doing this would make the advert look that bit more professional.
Overall, I am very happy with the production that we produced as a group, and am personally happy with my contribution to the group, and certainly feel that I pulled my weight and got a lot more involved than I had in previous projects.

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